When a Bee stings you there is a way to recovery
When the so loved honey Bees are mad for being away from home during the winter and let you know it by hundred Bees stings there is only one way to recover from it. Get Nettle extract into your mouth to lower the effect of poison from so many bites and apply Replete Intense Recovery Oil on every bite to take the pain and reaction away right away.
The image below shows the morning after the bites what is left of it. All was gone by the afternoon just 24 hours after the initial stinger in the skin.
What is important to know is that all stingers must be removed as soon as possible if not they will time release the Venom into your system making recovery a long painful process. With only two applications 12 hours apart the affect of Bee stings was gone and it took another few days for the top skin layer to rebuild itself. Patience is one of nature’s lessons. Move slowly through space and rime and if you don’t you pay