Coral Reef recovering chance from use of Replete Serums Complex
Did you know you can swim with a mask on while snorkeling with none-greasy sun protection on your skin. What is even more inspiring is that this very comfortable serum is applied once a day protection that is safe to the ocean environment and you too.
That means the coral reef can recover from previously used chemicals in the SPF by swimmers and divers that would washout into the sea. Over 60% of coral has died from the SPF, so clearly it must be toxic to us too. But no worry Replete Seasonal Serm Complex is the answer. The serum complex is made of clays and seaweeds that protect the skin and make the skin stronger so it does not burn from the wind or the Sun.
Nature has the answers and we put them to a good use.
It is so important to protect our marine life and use safe products when going to swim or snorkel or dive into the ocean waters. The plankton absorbs all the chemicals washing off from the skin then over 50% of fish and other living organism like coral feeds on it as it is its food, and dies from it. The wales, feed on the plankton too and we do see many dead wales on the shore that we should not see. It is time to make the change and use what works for us and the environment. Let's rebuild our health and the Marine life health by giving a chance at life in a clean waters.
Become Replete user of Seasonal Serums Complex become fear free outdoors for our health and others we touch.
It is time to heal our body, mind and spirit.